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My Old Arse

My Old Arse

I’ve always been a sucker for a good coming of age story. Whether it’s a novel or a movie, these stories pull my emotional heart strings. They also usually provide some laughs along the way. I was recently moved by one entitled My Old Ass. It’s a funny title with... read more

Bringing Summer Alive- in the Midst of Winter

Bringing Summer Alive- in the Midst of Winter

I have a friend who calls this time we now occupy (the week between Christmas and New Year’s) “Dead Week.” I think they got the phrase from an article celebrating this liminal space, in the author’s words, “When it’s the only time I don’t feel late to my own life.”... read more

Sometimes a Picture...

Sometimes a Picture...

Sometimes a Picture Really is Worth 1,000 words The above picture- taken of the pre-camp work crew in 1976- has been circulating lately, and the comments are revealing. I don’t suppose any of the subjects imagined at the time that they would look back, nearly 50 years later, and describe... read more

A Fall Like No Other

A Fall Like No Other

It may just be sentimentality, but this has to be one of the most beautiful falls I have ever seen at Camp. Everyday I think it will be the last - the peak - but each day I am taken by the lingering colors, and the ever changing light. Today... read more

The White Pine

The White Pine

There is a white pine at Camp that towers above the rest of the forest. It is visible even from Nesbit Island, nearly a mile from Camp. We haven’t cored it -to determine its age, but best estimates from those who know these sorts of things put the age of... read more