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Flexibility is the new Super Power

Flexibility is the new Super Power

It’s been drubbed in my head since elementary school PE – being flexible is good for your health. Despite this knowledge, I was shocked to discover as I did my yoga teacher training a few years ago, that those “windmills” Mr. Fosdyck had us doing in the 3rd grade are... read more

The Beautiful Idiocy of Tetherball

The Beautiful Idiocy of Tetherball

Maxine “Gunny” Gunsolly, the longtime owner and director of Sherwood Forest Camp on nearby Deer Lake was, by all accounts, a “tough bird”- and I mean that as a compliment! She inspired hundreds of young women to find their strengths, challenged the status quo, and built a following among her... read more

Man Up-Raising Young Men in the 21st Century

Man Up-Raising Young Men in the 21st Century

At our Centennial Celebration in 2010, I had the opportunity to have a long talk with an alumnus who attended Camp Mishawaka in the early 1920’s. At the time, he was probably the oldest living former camper, and the only one I have ever met who was able to recall... read more

The Plaque- Saving What Matters

The Plaque- Saving What Matters

It’s a question we all have probably been asked- at an icebreaker, around the family table, or even in a job interview: “What would you take with you if your house were burning?” Thankfully it’s a question that few of us ever have to act upon, but in the past... read more

Do I Need to Come to Camp with a Friend?

Do I Need to Come to Camp with a Friend?

One of the most frequent concerns I hear from parents considering camp is that their child doesn’t know anyone coming. “He will come,” they often say, “if I can find a friend for him to go with.” It’s a reasonable concern, certainly, but it’s also one that I wish could... read more